This is a 5 -day safari exploring maasai mara and Lake Nakuru and Lake Naivasha, The Masai Mara is one of Africa’s greatest wildlife reserves and is known for excellent big-game safaris. In Lake Nakuru, enjoy the fabulous water birds and other bird species. Where you get an excellent view over the lake and the wonderful spectacle of pink flamingos along its edge. Later visit Lake Naivasha is known for its birdlife on Crescent Island, which you will explore on a boat and walking activity and a ride in the park.


This safari is a shared safari commencing from your Nairobi hotel to the famous Masai Mara. The tour can depart any day and your accommodation is in a budget-tented camp in the heart of Masai Mara. You will have shared game drives and full board meals at the camp.

3 Days Best Midrange Amboseli private safari

Amboseli National  park  is  the   highlight  of  this  safari  and   be ready  for  a  great  wildlife viewing  safari.  there  are  many  wildlife   including  elephants,Giraffes   so be ready  for   a  thrilling  safari.

Amboseli National  Park

Amboseli is  Crowned by Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, the Amboseli National Parks is one of Kenya’s most popular parks. The name Amboseli originates from a Maasai word signifying “salty dust”, and it is one of the best places in Africa to view extensive groups of elephants very close, as indicated by the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)

Nature mates can investigate five unique territories here running from the went away bed of Lake Amboseli, wetlands with sulfur springs, the savannah and forests. They can likewise visit neighborhood Maasai groups who live around the recreation center and experience their bona fide society.

Amusement drives are the foundation of most safaris, with the thought being to spend whatever number hours as could be expected under the circumstances in the hedge looking for anything intriguing.

The diversion drive is normally early morning to mid-morning and late evening, with a break right off the bat for breakfast, and another amidst the day for lunch.

Amboseli -Tim (The   Greatest  Tusker)

Amboseli  Tim  was  one of the last remaining great tuskers in Kenya; with tusks so long that they touch the ground. This is the term used to describe African elephants – usually male – whose tusks are so long that they reach the ground. The great tuskers are an irreplaceable symbol of our continent’s unique natural heritage.

Their magnificent tusks are in some countries trophies for hunters thus putting these elephants at risk.

In the mid-1970s the first research of the Amboseli elephants was begun. To make things easy for the researchers they named each of the elephant families with a two-letter code starting with the letter T, like TA, TB, etc. Then each elephant was given a name that began with the letter T.

Thus, the son of Trista and grandmother of the indomitable Teresia became, Tim. Tim was named by Cynthia Moss, founder of the Amboseli Trust for Elephants, as part of what has become the world’s longest running scientific study of the species.

In 2014, two of Kenya’s most iconic great tuskers, Satao and Mountain Bull, were killed by poachers, thankfully Tim survived an attempted poaching via a poisoned spear attack. A team of rangers found Tim and were able to cure the nasty infection of the spear attack. In 2016, Tim was again wounded by a spear and a blow to the head by a huge rock hurled by angry farmers.

Tim did what every intelligent being would do and took himself to the medical facilities to get himself fixed up! In 2016 the researchers needed to add more protection for Tim and to curtail his trips to the farmers market in Kimana, and so he was given a GPS collar. The authorities were always alert to his location at all times and mobilize security to the farmlands.

Tim was not only known for his tusks but also his friendly and charismatic personality. He was also known to be a prolific father much sought after by females in oestrus and spent his adult life passing on his genes to elephant population in Amboseli.

He died in February, 2020 at the age of 50 from natural causes. Tim was over 11 feet tall and weighed over 12,000 lbs. The 150,000 bundles of muscle fibers in Tim’s trunk can lift very  heavy  objects

Only  in  Amboseli  can you have  a   glance of  Mt Kilimanjaro  from  the comfort  of  your tent  so  dont  be  left  out .Join  us   Bison  Safaris   for  a   very  memorable   safari  to  one of  the  must  visit  parks  in  Kenya.

11 Days luxury Footprints of kenya Samburu/Olpejeta/Nakuru/Maasaimara/Naivasha/Amboseli-Tsavo Safari

Nakuru national  park boasts  of  many  flamingos   and   Rhinos.If  you miss  to  spot  Rhinos  in  Maasai  mara   dont  worry  as  you  will  se  them  in  Nakuru National  Park . The  park  boasts  of  a   poink  lake   thus   the pink flamingos  in  it. Combining   safari  to  Nakuru  with  other  parks  is very key since   Nakuru  is    central point  for  maasai  mara   and   Amboseli  and   Olpejeta or   Samburu.Thus  to  rest abit  Nakuru  is   a  must  break  point  for  your   safari.

lake naivasha is in the eastern arm of the East African Rift System, 35 mi (56 km) southeast of  Nakuru Kenya. It is flanked by the Ilkinopop (Kinangop) Plateau (east) and the Mau Escarpment (west). lake   naivasha  lies on an alluvium-covered flat in the valley floor and is flanked on the north by an extensive papyrus swamp.

It is the highest of the lakes in the eastern part of the rift system, and is situated at 6,180 feet (1,884 m) above sea level. Its level and size fluctuate periodically; in the mid-1970s it covered about 81 square miles (210 square km). Its main tributaries are the Engare Melewa and Gilgil rivers.

Although it has no outlet, the lake’s waters are fresh. Several species of Tilapia and black bass (introduced) are the basis of commercial and sport fishing. Bird-watching is also popular. Lake Naivasha serves as a weekend resort for residents of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, to the southeast

Samburu National Reserve;

It is one of the lesser-known national parks, but is nevertheless teeming with life. Situated alongside the Ewaso Nyiro River, there is plenty to attract wildlife from the surrounding savannah plains. The reserve is located north of the great Ewaso Ng’iro river banks. The river, a lifeline of the arid landscape, serves wildlife, domestic animals and humans alike. It gets its name from the colour of its waters. Brown water, is what Ewaso Nyiro means in the local language.

The reserve is rich in wildlife with an abundance of rare northern specialist species such as the Grevy’s zebra, Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk and the beisa oryx (also referred to as Samburu Special Five). The reserve is also home to elephants and large predators such as the lion, leopard and cheetah. Kamunyak the miracle lioness that adopted the baby oryx was as a resident in the reserve. Wild dog sightings are also a common attraction to this unique protected area.

Maasai  mara  is the home to Africa’ Big Five species, as well as an abundance of other wildlife, including wildebeest, cheetah, hyena, giraffe and many more. It borders the Serengeti National Park Tanzania.

Often described as nature’s greatest spectacles, the great migration is one of Africa’s dramatic stories. This occurs every year between July and October where more than 1.5 million wildebeests, zebras, gazelles and elands move mysteriously from the Serengeti in Tanzania to Maasai Mara in Kenya in search of grass and water.

This movement offers nature lovers the opportunity to view as predators such as the Lion, Hyenas, Crocodiles and Cheetahs prey on the wildebeests. This mass movement is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

From the western Serengeti the herds head north, following the rains (or their effects) into Kenya and the Maasai Mara Game Reserve. On their trek the wildebeests’ path is cut several times by rivers: in the Serengeti by the Mbalangeti and the Grumeti, and in Kenya by the Mara.

For most of the year these rivers are relatively placid, but they can become violent torrents in response to rainfall in their catchment areas, and then they present major obstacles to the progress of the wildebeest.

Wildebeest arrive at the Mara River in their tens of thousands, and gather waiting to cross. For days their numbers can be building up and anticipation grows but many times, for no apparent reason, they turn and wander away from the water’s edge.

Eventually the wildebeest will choose a crossing point, something that can vary from year to year and cannot be predicted with any accuracy. Once on the grasslands of the Maasai Mara, the wildebeest spend several months feeding and fattening once more, taking advantage of the scattered distribution of green pastures and isolated rainstorms.

A remarkable feature of their wanderings is their ability to repeatedly find areas of good grazing, no matter how far apart.

Olpejeta   Ranch :Underneath the watchful eye of Mount Kenya, you can discover the unspoilt wilderness of Ol Pejeta Conservancy, famous for pioneering conservation projects and refuge for the last three northern white rhino remaining on the planet.Not only is Ol Pejeta the largest black rhino sanctuary in the whole of East Africa, it is the only place in the region where you can see chimpanzee. It is also home to the Big Five, a mindblowingly rich array of African game and over 200 migrant and resident bird species. The conservancy boasts one of the greatest game-to-area ratios of any reserve in Kenya in a pioneering and mutually beneficial land-management system.
 Amboseli  National  Park: It is located in kajiado county and its well known to be the second most popular animal park for its large herds of free ranging African elephants.it has a mixed topography of plains,acacia woodland,rocky thorn bush,swamps and marshes. The climate is mostly hot and dry but it has rainy seasons too. The two dry seasons are January –february and june –september while the two rainy seasons are april –may and November –december
The best time to view birds is October to January. The vegetation is sparse hence giving an opportunity to view most of the wild animals


7 Days Ultimate best Samburu/Nakuru/Naivasha/MaasaiMara Safari

A very special safari  to Samburu, Samburu ,Nakuru ,Maasaimara, Naivasha. From the  dry  lands   Northern  part  of   kenya to salted   lake  Nakuru national  park  to dotted or spotted plains, the famous Masai Mara national reserveand finish  in  the cool waters of naivasha . You will be joined and accompanied by Fair Ride  safaris driver guide upon your arrival and throughout your safari..

Samburu National Reserve: It is one of the lesser-known national parks, but is nevertheless teeming with life. Situated alongside the Ewaso Nyiro River, there is plenty to attract wildlife from the surrounding savannah plains. The reserve is located north of the great Ewaso Ng’iro river banks. The river, a lifeline of the arid landscape, serves wildlife, domestic animals and humans alike. It gets its name from the colour of its waters.

Brown water, is what Ewaso Nyiro means in the local language.

The reserve is rich in wildlife with an abundance of rare northern specialist species such as the Grevy’s zebra, Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk and the beisa oryx (also referred to as Samburu Special Five). The reserve is also home to elephants and large predators such as the lion, leopard and cheetah.

Kamunyak the miracle lioness that adopted the baby oryx was as a resident in the reserve. Wild dog sightings are also a common attraction to this unique protected area. A daily highlight of the area’s dry season is the visits to watering holes called ‘Sarara Singing Wells’ by Samburu warriors. The warriors descend into the holes which can be up to 10m deep.

They then pass water hand to hand up to the waiting cattle while chanting their traditional Samburu songs.

Birdlife is abundant with over 450 species recorded. The Samburu ecosystem of vegetation in this arid region supports a very wide range of smaller birds. You’re not likely to miss the big flocks of vividly plumaged helmeted and vulturine guinea fowl, while among the many birds of prey, pygmy falcon and martial eagle from opposite ends of the raptor spectrum are both easily seen, as are Kori, Heuglin’s and buff-crested bustards, and lots of weavers.

Samburu people are semi-nomadic shepherds of a Nilotic origin, who live in an arid zone in North-Central Kenya, this forcing them to move frequently in search of new pastures for their cattle; in some respect they are very closely related to the Maasai, with whom they share many traditions and base their wealth on cattle that is the basis of their survival.

The Samburu name comes from the word Samburr, that is a kind of bag used by members of the tribe, although the Samburu refer to themselves as Loikop, or Lokop, that means land owners. They speak the Samburu language, a Nilo-Saharan language similar to Maa, that is the language spoken by the Maasai.

Samburu people are considered even more traditional and remote than their Maasai kin, and have maintained the authenticity of their culture by sticking to their ancient traditions and defying modern trends.

Activities in Samburu National Reserve include: camel rides, cultural visit to the Samburu people, climbing Mt Olo Lolokwe, discover the singing wells and discover the rare five species – a game drive’s highlight is spotting the rare five that are the Beisa oryx, the Somali ostrich, gerenuk, the reticulated giraffe and Grevy’s zebra.

5 Days Nakuru, Naivasha and Masai Mara | Private 4×4 Safari

Absolute luxury adventure to Kenya’s best game reserve Masai Mara National Reserve, down the great rift-valley to Lake Nakuru National Park. home to the rare white rhino species and birds paradise with the famous flamingos among the many birds.The following day move to neighboring Lake Naivasha for boat ride, view hippos among other wildlife. Visit hells gate national park and crescent island.

Nairobi City Tour

A guided tour of the city of Nairobi (better known as the city in the sun) will generally include the city market; which houses several curio shops. Its surrounding bazaars, a drive past Kenyatta International Conference Center, which was until recently the highest building in the region, the parliament buildings which are adjacent to the late Jomo Kenyatta’s mausoleum, the railways museum and the Nairobi University.
For coffee lovers, feel free to ask your guide to show you to one of the many coffee lounges for a cup of pure Kenyan coffee.

3-Day Masai Mara Group Budget Camping Safari shared land cruiser

Discover firsthand experience in Kenya’s stunning and unparalleled game reserve to spot wildlife. Interact with legendary Maasai tribesmen as you immerse yourself in an authentic Maasai village. This safari will take you to the undulating savannah of the Masai Mara National Reserve.

Lake Naivasha day tour

Spend the day 56 miles outside of Nairobi at the iconic Lake Naivasha. Your tour departs after breakfast and includes a stop at the Great Rift Valley view point. It’s the perfect way to escape the city and enjoy some of the African wild. Arrive   at the gate   and   take   bikes  for  a   ride  around   the  park.  This   takes   around   2 hours . Thereafter  enjoy  a  tour  of  the   gorges   with  your  professional  guide and  enjoy  this  great  adventure.

Thereafter  exit  the  park  and   enjoy  your  packed  picnic  lunches  or   you  can  be  taken to  one  of  the  hotels   of  your  choice   for  lunch  with  payment  direct.

Proceed  after  lunch  for   a   boat  ride   at  lake   Naivasha  which  takes around 2hrs. From  here   you  will  commence   your  drive  back  to  Nairobi and  upon  arrival  you  will  be   dropped   at your   Nairobi  Hotel  of  stay.

Highlights  of  the   day  trip

  • Full-Day Lake Naivasha Tour
  • Enjoy a gorges   walk  with a guide
  • Experience up close animal encounters
  • Take a boat ride on Lake Naivasha

Kiambethu Tea Farm

Summary Kiambethu tea farm is just 40 Minutes’ drive from the heart of Nairobi and provides a tranquil insight in the life of a settler farm. The tea firm is located at an altitude of 7000 feet above sea level and has lush acres of tea plantations that seem to vanish in the horizon. It is one of Kenya’s oldest tea farms, two English families, Mitchell & McDonnell in the early 1900’s, built the Estate. These families are said to be the first to have ventured into the tea business.